Team 175: Buzz Robotics
Buzz Team 175 from Enfield, Connecticut won the Chairman’s Award at the 2002 FIRST Championship.
They were chosen for their efforts in mentoring students of all ages, from elementary school to high school. They worked to introduce young students to the foundation of FIRST by having them participate in various design projects. The team put safety first by sending 3×9 banners to FIRST that provided the guidelines for safety at FRC competitions. Team members also participated in various community service events, including the American Cancer Society’s 24-hour relay.
Team 175 also created an interesting legacy with their FRC pins.
As Dean Kamen’s >vision of FRC came into existence, teams searched for a method of self-identity, esprit de corps as well as a way to celebrate the differences between teams. Tee shirts and team wear became one method of identity… but team pins became a way to share the team’s identity with members of other teams and the competition audience members. Collecting team pins at competitions is very popular with the students and younger attendees.
For FIRST Robotics team 175, “Buzz Robotics” the pins evolved into a legacy. Buzz Robotics pins are unique. Most pins are round while Buzz Robotics pins evolved and became square and instantly recognizable. Buzz Robotics pins are different every year with a theme that represents that particular game challenge, yet maintain the common theme with the instantly recognizable yellow, Buzz Smiley Face. Alumni of Team 175 and others look back at the pins of prior years and instantly remember the game and the specific competitions associated with that pin year. It is the legacy that the Buzz Robotics team carries with it and is proud to share the memories of “Double Trouble”, “Rack and Roll”, “Lunacy” to name just a few… as well as all the future competitions to come!
Submitted Video
Championship Chairman’s
Award Winner
Learn More
To learn more about 175, visit www.buzzrobotics.org